Iran, Kordestan, Marivan Borojerdi Blvd, Hazhir Building, Floor 3

  • Arshaghir Kajeh

    Arshaghir Kajeh bitumen company is one of the top ranks of the stock exchange in the field of buying and selling and producing bitumen and petroleum derivatives. It produces all kinds of bitumen with the specifications required by the customer and in quality packaging (metal barrels, jumbo bags, and...) offers to customers.

  • Arshaghir Kajeh

    Arshaghir Kajeh bitumen company is one of the top ranks of the stock exchange in the field of buying and selling and producing bitumen and petroleum derivatives. It produces all kinds of bitumen with the specifications required by the customer and in quality packaging (metal barrels, jumbo bags, and...) offers to customers.

  • Arshaghir Kajeh

    Arshaghir Kajeh bitumen company is one of the top ranks of the stock exchange in the field of buying and selling and producing bitumen and petroleum derivatives. It produces all kinds of bitumen with the specifications required by the customer and in quality packaging (metal barrels, jumbo bags, and...) offers to customers.

    High Quality Products

    High quality products due to access to high-quality raw materials and support of a professional and experienced team

    Competitive Price

    Lower cost due to easy access to raw material sources

    Efficient transportation

    Using an efficient transportation system and timely delivery of the product to the customer


    About Arshaghir Kajeh

    Arshaghir Kaje company is a private joint stock company with the activity of production, storage, transportation and packaging of bitumen and all kinds of petroleum derivatives (fuel oil, diesel, LPG, light and heavy hydrocarbons, base oil, grease, etc.), which is located in the city of Marivan, Bashmaq oil terminal.

    This company, with full nobility and by using a strong marketing and marketing team, and by examining the state of the world markets of petrochemical products and oil products, always tries to be able to offer the best rates to the buyers, taking into account the current market conditions and according to the conditions. To supply stock market products to the customer with the lowest risk and the highest sustainability capability.

    Relying on these experiences, the buyers’ feedback has always been positive and this has increased the responsibility and mission of the company even more

    Arsha ghir Kaje company with decades of experience in commercial fields and with several years of experience in projects carried out in the field of production and export to several countries, including India, Africa and the countries of the Persian Gulf, is one of the most experienced companies and these records speak of The brilliant track record of Arshaghir Kaje company is in the company's field of work.


    Our Products

    You can see the products provided by Arshaghir Kajeh company below.


    Is an immensely viscous constituent of petroleum. Depending on its exact composition it can be a sticky, black liquid or an apparently solid mass that behaves as a liquid over very large time scales.

    LPG Liquid Gas

    Liquefied petroleum gas is a fuel gas which contains a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases, specifically propane, propylene, butylene, isobutane, and n-butane.


    Diesel, is any liquid fuel specifically designed for use in a diesel engine, a type of internal combustion engine in which fuel ignition takes place without a spark as a result of compression of the inlet air and then injection of fuel.

    Fuel Oil

    Fuel oil is any of various fractions obtained from the distillation of petroleum. Such oils include distillates and residues. Fuel oils include heavy fuel oil, marine fuel oil, furnace oil, gas oil, heating oils, diesel fuel, and others.


    Naphtha is a flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture. Generally, it is a fraction of crude oil, but it can also be produced from natural gas condensates, petroleum distillates, and the fractional distillation of coal tar and peat.

    Why Us

    Competitive prices, high quality and durable materials used

    Arshaghir company, by having high-quality raw materials and producing products according to customer needs by a professional and experienced team, as well as using advanced technology and an up-to-date packaging system suitable for the destination, as well as an efficient transportation system, is considered It has many customers all over the world and it is one of the most prominent companies in the world market that is able to produce high quality products in high quantities and is responsive to any needs of customers in the field of bitumen production, packaging and transportation.

    Team, accuracy, speed
    A strong team in production with high precision and optimal speed gives a distinctive feature to Arshaghir Kaje company.
    Raw materials, quality, standard
    Raw materials, quality, standard By using experienced experts in the field of commodity exchange, it always tries to supply the best raw materials to the market in accordance with global standards.
    Commodity exchange, trade, export and import, transit and transshipment of bitumen and oil derivatives
    Transport fleet, customs, clearance team
    Taking advantage of the wide transportation fleet in all ports and borders and performing appropriate customs formalities by using the most experienced clearance team.

    Meet Arshaghir Kajeh Personals

    Asra Didary


    Qane' Kiani Far

    Chairman of the Board

    You can contact us for a free consultation so that our colleagues can provide you with the necessary guidance


    Conducting consultation and providing necessary explanations


    Reaching an agreement about the products and services needed by the customer

    Signing the contract

    The final agreement and the signing of the official contract​.

    Deliver Products

    Commitment to the signed contract and the provision of requested products and services.
    How Works Done

    The steps and work process are as simple as possible.

    Arshahire Kaje bitumen company is one of the most important companies in the field of production of petroleum products, which can produce products such as bitumen in different grades, mazut, LPG, gasoil, and naphthaline. In general, quality is the first word in the company. Now you have to keep in mind that all the production steps are done according to the global standards and it will not be without grace to pay attention to this point.

    In terms of marketing, Arsha Qeer Kaje company is considered as one of the important companies in the field of petrochemicals and all kinds of petroleum products. This company always tries to offer its products to its customers with the lowest risk and the highest sustainability capability.

    For the purchase, you will be given initial advice and then, in other stages, the initial agreement and signing of the contract will be achieved. Finally, the final delivery of the product will be done completely for you.


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